
We invite all participants of LA-SCS 2023 to submit an abstract for an oral and/or poster presentation. All abstracts will be evaluated based on scientific relevance.

Submit your abstract here.


Abstract guidelines:

Please note that the talks and posters will be selected by our scientific committee only based on the abstracts. The abstract content should not be more than 900 characters and should include an introduction, objectives, methodology, results, and conclusion in a single paragraph. The information on this form must be in English.

  1. Background: the context and purpose of the study;
  2. Description: the main findings;
  3. Conclusions: summary and potential implications.

Please do not use abbreviations or references in the abstract.

Submission deadline: August 6th, 2023 (23:59 Caracas Time UTC-4)

Contact lascs@iscbsc.org for further information.